jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

NINGUN PELOTERO EN LA HISTORIA DE LAS GRANDES LIGAS, HA LIDERIZADO DOS DEPARTAMENTOS DE BATEO LUEGO DE GANAR LA TRIPLE CORONA. EL ÚNICO???? Don Miguel Cabrera, quien pudiera ganar la triple corona nuevamente, si Davis (lider en jonrones) se enfría en la recta final!

The fact that Miguel Cabrera has made it a conversation point is quite an accomplishment in itself.

No player has ever repeated a Triple Crown in the history of the game. Cabrera is leading in two of the categories in the AL in 2013 -- RBI (114) and batting average. The Detroit Tigers star is hitting a career-best .360 after Wednesday's victory over the Chicago White Sox. He hit his 38th home run, a three-shot. He's 30 points ahead of Mike Trout in batting average, but six home runs behind the Orioles' Chris Davis (44) in home runs.

Just leading in two categories is historic -- no player coming off a Triple Crown has ever done it. A look back at the Triple Crown winners and how they fared a year later in history:

It's interesting that no player coming off a Triple Crown ever led the league in home runs a year later, and only Medwick led in RBIs.

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